Was there a pandemic or did the fear and the response create one?
A long read but this is for reference for anyone who may question if there was a pandemic. All they needed to do was ramp up the fear and let the media run with it.
“It really doesn’t matter where you are on the “viruses exist and cause disease” spectrum, the “pandemic” had very little to do with a virus and very much to do with the “response”.”
Just an anecdotal story.
In 2019, after a series of tests, it was determined that I required a procedure to correct a lifelong condition that was lurking in the background. Was told that I was looking at a September 2020 surgical date as this is BC after all. My first thought was, gee that’s not bad from what I had heard from others waiting for treatment.
Along comes “Covid” in March 2020 and the hospitals closed all elective surgical procedures. My first response was, damn it may not be until 2021 before I have the surgery done.
End of May 2020, BC Health announced that they are opening up the Surgical Wards for elective care. It was just Emergency cases the past few months. I received a call at that time and was asked if I wanted an appointment the opening day in June.
Red flags went up. I was on a long waiting list, what the Hell!
I was going camping the first week of June so I asked for the second week. Just book me in and I will take it. No problem, I could have any day I wanted. I’m not used to this in BC.
I arrive to a locked down Vancouver Hospital that looked eerily empty.
Got admitted, had my procedure and out the next day. When I woke up, I was the only one in a room with three beds. As it turned out I was the only patient attached to the nursing station until later that day. I had a very grateful male nurse.
Why grateful? He was laid off as there were no patients since the closure of the surgical rooms. He had only one patient the week before so he worked two days then.
Asking questions as I always do, I was informed that the hospital was not very busy the past two months. So not a lot of Covid patients? No. He knew that as all the nurses talk from the various floors. Many were laid off.
This was still early days of “Covid” so I thought this whole shit show would be over soon. Boy was I wrong.
Another interesting tidbit was that I was required to have a PCR test before admission. Not much was known about the accuracy of these tests at that time. So wanting this procedure, I drove to one of the outdoor drive through testing sites.
When I arrived the nurse asked me a few questions, assessed my appearance, lack of any flu-like symptoms and declared that I don’t require a PCR test and gave me a piece of paper stating that for admission.
But wait a minute, it was a requirement of admission. When I was admitted, not another word was mentioned about “Covid”.
A month later, things had changed. Anyone could drop by and have a test without any symptoms. Of course the PCR tests picked up many false positives to ramp up the fear. We all know people who still test even though they are asymptomatic.
Looking back, I believe that the labs were overwhelmed initially and had not ramped up their ability to process the PCR test at that time so only the symptomatic were tested. So to this day I have never had a PCR or RAT test.
Getting back to the hospital stay. My nice nurse thought this bad Flu was going to be over soon from the looks of things. Boy were we wrong. The fear was just being ramped up.
Thanks for all of your sharing of personal experiences and man-in-the-ski-lift interviews.
Covid was a giant nothing-burger turned into pandemic to make the select few incredibly rich and richer.
At the expense of the little guy.
Life as it has always been…
My perception is that Covid was the “trial run” to see how citizens would react to the removal of basic freedoms. As we witnessed, the western developed world was more than willing to give freedom away for a “sense of security”. We learned that few could successfully bully many and this lesson will most likely be front & center when the next “plandemic” is released later this year.
Highly qualified & honest scientists/doctors/statisticians have proven that Covid jabs were split into three levels of intensity — harsh, mild and placebo — with the smallest grouping being in the harsh category. It’s been extrapolated that ~17M died worldwide with many receiving life altering injuries. Each citizens level of “sick” was determined by their unique genome & maximum death & suffering is still years away from completion.
Next time will likely be different — based on the trial run results and stated UN/WHO/WEF/BIS timing goals — it seems likely that the next “go around” will primarily be harsh (placebo only for the 1%). If they can get the WHO Pandemic Treaty approved on May 27 then the injections may well be mandatory worldwide.
How much freedom will citizens forfeit if people really do start dropping dead on the streets vs a psyop?? Why IS the military “practising” door to door wellness checks now (do YOU ever recall a period during your lifetime when the military knocked on YOUR door)?
I do so hope that I am wrong!