And those changes are Communication, AI, Derivatives (ETF’s), and Super Computers like BlackRock’s ALADDIN…which IMO BlackRock uses to steer the direction of  every sector of the markets with their ownership or control of over 50% of the hundreds of ETF’s now in existence.

I can’t say I can see what the future holds so I did what I considered to be the best strategy to get me and mine through, and that is to get totally out of debt and then diversify in enough directions so if even half or more of what I have is lost, I will still financially survive.

Those directions are: cash in and out of the bank, 2 locations of residential real estate, PM coins and rounds in hand, PM stocks (no ETF’s), short term bonds, groceries, guns and ammo, organic farm and ranch friends that I volunteer free time to when they need it, and faith in my Higher Power who has brought me through 8+ decades of the most wonderful life imaginable.

I hope in these end times I am allowed to watch all the way to the end of this great “movie” called life…and luck to you daytraders from WWW.