Abortion Rights Coalition Canada is the same group that successfully lobbied for pro-life employers to be denied federal summer job grants in 2017.

According to information published January 16 by Blacklock’s Reporter, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC), the same group that successfully lobbied for pro-life employers to be denied federal summer job grants in 2017, is pushing to bar employers opposed to euthanasia from the same program.

“Rights include not just reproductive rights but also LGBTQ rights, racial equality, the right to medical assistance in dying and any other fundamental right protected under our Charter and human rights codes,” ARCC executive director Joyce Arthur wrote in a submission to the House of Commons human resources committee.  

“When groups have a main focus on opposing human rights, funding them would contradict and even harm the government’s obligation to ensure equality,” Arthur added. “Regardless of the Canada Summer job, even if it is to mow the lawn, that work gives sustenance to the group’s harmful mandate and activities.” 
