The newest scheme of the Global Elite to destroy America and put Americans in bondage is called Natural Asset Company (NAC). The Wall Street elite solicited the unelected SEC to form a new corporation that can solicit investors (worldwide) to buy American land and natural resources. The goal is to leave the land undeveloped so that they can offset carbon credits and save the planet. Remember, they will have, you won’t.

NACs will hold the rights to “ecosystem services,” or the benefits people receive from nature, such as food, pollination, tourism, or clean water; such global benefits are valued at an estimated $125 trillion annually. They all use the climate change hoax, but the real reason for these schemes is to make money and steal our freedom and liberty.

It is now very obvious why Gates is buying up farmland.  It’s all about control and money. The SEC is going to close the comment period on January 2, 2024, to allow NACs to be on the stock exchange.


SEC Rule Would Give Private Natural Asset Companies the Right to Control Public Land!