Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick. The Truth About Big Oil
“You mentioned in one of your last talks that petroleum wasn’t what we thought it was, that it wasn’t a fossil fuel, that it didn’t come from fossil animal. Is it just a mineral? Is it a mineral like any other mineral? Is that how it, what would you say, how did it, what’s the origin of it?
4 minutes
Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick. The Truth About Big Oil
“You mentioned in one of your last talks that petroleum wasn’t what we thought it was, that it wasn’t a fossil fuel, that it didn’t come from fossil animal. Is it just a mineral? Is it a mineral like any other mineral? Is that how it, what would you say, how did it, what’s the origin of it? You see,
When they first found petroleum, because they were beginning to make motors and needed on axles or wheels or railroad trains and all that sort of thing, and remember a train started in the beginning of the 19th century, then oil went from just a lubricant to a fuel and it made it valuable and Rockefeller happened to be the smartest man in the business at the time, but he made a lot of most of his money, or much of it, off the transport of the petroleum as well as selling it.
But one thing they realized was, because oil is, putting a price on oil is like putting a price on a pail of water. You know, no initial cost is in the ground. And in those days, they were, some of it, almost what you’d call surface mining the oil. They didn’t go down deep. So in order to get the price up, they hit on the idea that they would have to make it appear to be scarce. That, boy, after we take the next few barrels out, we’re probably going to have to close as well.
We have a very fructuous event. In 1892, there was a convention in Geneva of scientists to determine what organic substances are.
Well, the definition of organic is a substance with hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. And so it’s usually a living substance, a tree. You analyze a dead tree, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, and grass, and so on.
Living things, animals, we are hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. So at this Geneva Convention, Rockefeller took advantage of sending some scientists over who said Oil, petroleum, is hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Therefore, it must be derived from the spoiling, the rotting, of formerly living matter and playing the game properly when the scientific convention was over, they defined oil as the residue from formerly living matter. Well, that makes it a fossil fuel. I don’t know why they decided to use the word fossil, but it says formerly living matter is fossil.
Well, of course, today, and another thing we should know is that there has never been a fossil, a real fossil found below sixteen thousand feet.
And you can’t argue at 16,000 is a level line because some place the ground sinks and so on. But 16 is what the scientists say. 16,000.
We mine oil or we drill oil at 30,000, 33,000, 28,000 every day of the week. So right there we rule it out that it isn’t fossil fuel. It’s called fossil fuel for the minds of the public to feel that it is an asset that is running out, being depleted. We talk about depletion allowance, which is a lot of, you know, and actually if you know the world’s oil supply, you know that it is not going to run out for an awfully long time. It is the second most prevalent liquid on earth.”
When I first saw this clip years ago, I had always questioned the term “Fossil” for many years for obvious reasons. Looked into abiotic origin possibility. Fossil was termed to make us think it was scarce.
As always, question everything. The banking system since the Federal Reserve has been a cruel hoax perpetrated upon the world.
Central bankers lending to Govts are a cruel hoax.
Any central bankers lending to any governments.
Since 1694 (BoE) and 1668 (Sweden) before that.
The Russians have long claimed that oil deposits are not fossil fuels.
Did you know that Titan, one of Saturn’s moons has Lakes on the surface? Not water, of course, but methane – liquid natural gas, if you like. I’m pretty sure there were no prehistoric dinosaurs on Titan.
Several bits of info about Titan’s lakes are in the link below.
This is totally Fascinating…learned a lot …I thought I knew everything