From Jeff Childers

The Hill ran a completely unsurprising story yesterday headlined, “Americans Continue To Have Little Faith In Major Institutions: Gallup.”

According to the respected pollster, Americans faith in the major institutions continued dwindling this year. The good news is that the two top most LIKED institutions, in which respondents said they have a great deal or a fair amount of confidence, were small businesses (65%) and the military (60%).

It drops off pretty fast after that:

Nice job, Congress.

The Hill failed to mention Gallup’s related poll on general confidence in the government, which is a pretty big story. Among the top Western G7 group of nations, the U.S. and Great Britain have slipped from enjoying the highest citizen confidence in 2006 to now being seen as worse than the fat kid with broken glasses. Nobody wants us on their team.

The U.S. is first worst, having transformed its 2006 win into a loss, and is now scraping the bottom for citizens’ respect among the G7 group of nations:

Putting a brighter spin on it, you could say the U.S. is leading the world in citizens’ disrespect. Hey, at least we’re winning at something.

As noted, this is an inversion, a complete reversal from 15 years ago

The U.S. should start giving lessons on the best way for countries to alienate their own citizens. But why? What’s happened?

If you argued that the U.S. has been under relentless cultural attack by crypto-marxists and other enemies since the early 2000’s, I would not disagree. But that’s been true since the 1950’s. Beyond the long, Gramscian “march on the institutions” — buh-bye, Boy Scouts! — are more recent phenomena that inarguably poured gasoline on the Walmart portable grill of national self-destruction.

Low Quality Representatives. First, the quality and character of people we’ve been sending to Congress has left very few people having any confidence in that branch of government:

Don’t make me list examples, it would take too long. But one telling example would rhyme with “Fetterman.” And I’m guessing the January 6th hearings didn’t help much to improve people’s respect for Congress, not because of how unfair it all was, but because it spotlighted democrat low-lights like clinically insane Adam Schiff, “Humpty” Jerry Nadler, and human walrus Bennie Thompson.

Fundamental Unfairness. It’s hard to keep up confidence in the government when the justice system fails. Exhibit A is this man, the mild-mannered, grandmotherly-looking human wrecking ball of civilizational destruction, Merrick B. Garland:

Garland squats at the very crossroads of lost institutional respect, tossing around “unequal justice for all” like breath mints at a leather festival.

Institutional Dishonesty. No tally of lost institutional respect would be complete without this mendacious human cockroach:

Health agencies — whose ONLY JOB is to protect us — man the frontlines of hyper-politicized failure. This week, for example, the CDC published suggestions for transvestite men to best “chest feed” infants using gender-bending hormones and other chemicals. I am not making that up.

How could anyone lose confidence in guidance like that? But still … since men don’t have mammary glands, where does the “milk” come from? I don’t think a silicone implant, no matter how carefully installed, is going to get the job done. Of course, I’m only a lawyer, not a trans doctor.

Science! It’s not misinformation since it comes from the government, dummy.

Transgressive Appointments. Joe Biden continues to appoint the very best and brightest that Harvard and Yale have to offer the country, which are indescribably humiliating picks too numerous to mention. Here are just two:

Now, how could Americans possibly be losing confidence in people so disconnected from reality they don’t even know what gender they are, not to mention how they’re liberating every ladies’ handbag they can get their leather-stained fingers on, but are somehow supposedly capable of running the country’s top-secret nuclear storage programs. Okay.

I could have gone on for pages and pages. It’s a target-rich environment. But you get the idea.

Rant over. Whew.