Even before I read this piece, this was pretty much my thinking. The market rarely discounts the same information twice. With yesterday’s crazy job number “surprise” it is going to take something north of 500,000 jobs to shock the markets.(Not a total impossibility as these fictional numbers come from the BLS so anything is possible) However one should look at the other survey which even with last months number showed that rather than jobs being created by the BLS the real number was a loss of jobs. All of the double counting of people having two or more part time gigs makes the number total bullshit. It provides the FED with the cover to continue their nonsensical narrative. Interesting that with yesterday’s surprise number and the spike in interest rates the dollar actually fell a tad. These numbers and rate rise have already been discounted. As the author suggests below after an initial negative reaction the markets could adjust before the day is out. I wouldn’t be surprised(look at the charts for both gold and silver) if any downside in the metals is muted. After all neither have broken their lows(and while gold still might) silver clearly bottomed two weeks ago and just had a successful test putting in place a base to move higher next week, if not later today after the dust settles. How many people and articles have you seen recently of everyone calling for a “final dip” and waiting to buy it? If it has already taken place and the markets surprise by rallying, those left out will be chasing to get in. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-07-06/end-nigh-gold-analysis