TheLastRefuge @TheLastRefuge2

In the bigger picture, Mrs. Loomer’s supernova of sunlight has now put the RNC/RGA and DeSantis team into a position of vulnerability. There is a possibility that people will begin to understand that all of the GOP candidates are not trying to win the 2024 nomination; rather they are in the race as part of the Big Club plan to gain collections of individual delegates that can be reassembled into one larger delegate bloc at the RNC convention.

California was only one state that was organizing their rules to participate in the block Trump effort.

“As people realized what was happening, all behind closed doors and hidden from public review, outrage began to surface.”

Huge props to @LauraLoomer !! Standing-O
The sunlight Laura has delivered on this “delegate splitting” plan is the Twitter equivalent of Andrew standing at the podium during the Weiner sexting scandal. She busted them, and they are naked in their Machiavellian skiv

Barnes comments

Background from 7/4

Update 7/6