I expect higher silver prices starting today. I believe there are three scenarios for how high and how rapidly prices rise. Since silver has been capped and manipulated for the 60 years that the Comex has offered paper silver contracts, it naturally will depend on whether that manipulation has come to a complete end, or is more likely being phased out. We know from Ted Butler’s work the banks have largely stopped shorting silver futures and the last manipulator(price capper) is likely Blackrock, who owns the SLV ETF. It is logical that they don’t want to just abandon the capping, since they are believed to have way too little actual physical silver compared to the number of SLV shares issued. Therefore the more likely scenario would be one or two. One, is that silver moves up from today’s price under 24 to 30 in a series of steps, clicking off the various resistance points established over the last three years since coming down from the $30 high. They are pretty clear on the chart at 24.60, the recent high at 26.50 and a couple of stops around 27.50, 28-29 and 30. Scenario two, would be a quick move to 30 which after a pullback to one or more of those price points just listed, a breakout above 30 that starts the climb towards the ATH’s at 50. The third and lower probability scenario would be an immediate rise thru 30 that rushes to 50 in very short order. That scenario would mean that either Blackrock has completely covered their shorts and gone long, or been totally overwhelmed by global buying in Shanghai that they no longer can control with paper futures contracts in NY. While that scenario is inevitable, it may not be the one that happens yet. I look for either one, or two, to play out starting today. Interesting times to come in silver, for sure.