I’m beginning to lose a lot of respect for “research”.

Male characters in role-playing video games have double the amount of speech than females characters have.

That’s according to a study by researchers from the Universities of Glasgow and Cardiff, highlighting a “stark gender imbalance” in gaming.

As part of their research, they analysed the spoken words of characters in 50 role-play games released over a 34-year period, from 1986 to 2020.

After listening to 6.2 million spoken words by 13,000 characters, the results suggested that 94% of the games studied had more examples of male characters speaking than female ones.


If anyone wants to read the nightmarish overlap between technology and acceptance/diversity, one can visit girlswhocode.com

I subscribed to their newsletter a few years ago, aiming to help coach my daughters about programming etc.
Each and every of their posts is hell bent on this sinister agenda.
I never share these posts with my daughters.
