Today’s learning
Last I checked, Singapore was a tiny nation, all of 719 sq km in area.
With a very high GDP per capita figure (excess of USD 130k per capita per annum), and a population of about 6 million.
This is really impressive and conservative diversification.
I love Singapore, but their covid policy was wrong.
And that is a problem for returning to Singapore especially when taken V-trans mission into account in combo with high radiation of c-ell towers etc.
I couldn’t agree more.
Ditto for Australia.
“excess of USD 130k per capita per annum” NO CHANCE.
What was Singapore’s GDP per Capita in 2022?
Singapore Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita reached 82,794.000 USD
Sir Pedro,
I agree with you.
But there are different measures.
“GDP per capita, purchasing power parity (PPP) (current international $) – This is the GDP divided by the midyear population, where GDP is the total value of goods and services for final use produced by resident producers in an economy, regardless of the allocation to domestic and foreign claims.”
I believe kids up to a certain age are excluded, hence making the “resident producers” count lower than the overall population. The denominator having been reduced, gives a higher quotient using the same GDP figure.