Cat Man has a great piece to summarize the Shit Show. I admit I too am getting analysis fatigue sometimes and will just ignore many of the great posts on the topic . BUT. We must persist. Thats how we win this battle against all the Evil Pricks in this world


back in the halcyon days of the 90’s, a young bill clinton played to perfection a certain form of crisis/criticism response:

deny, deny, deny, it’s old news.

the goal was simple: you lie and lie and lie some more. you do not expect to get away with it in the long run. you expect to get away with it long enough for people to stop caring and for it to become “old news.” and unfortunately, it works. well. because humans have the memory of goldfish and by the time it’s clear you were telling porkie pies, everyone is onto the next thing and no one cares anymore.

the modern version would seem to be:

it’s misinformation, it’s misinformation, it’s misinformation, it’s old news