Exited all my (tiny) FCX stake for a loss
Thanks for the advice, dear Tenters.
In the past I used to painfully delete the trade sizes, only naming tickers and date/time.
My FCX stake was so small, I’m not hesitant to share every detail … LOL (Moreover all of FCX was bought with no new cash, but with proceeds from trading multiple PM juniors for a profit)
05/23/2023 12:16:06 Sold 19 FCX @ 34.9501 664.04 0.00 0.01
05/19/2023 14:25:47 Sold 18 FCX @ 35.5525 639.94 0.00 0.01
05/18/2023 12:57:30 Sold 18 FCX @ 35.4001 637.19 0.00 0.01
05/16/2023 14:02:48 Sold 29 FCX @ 35.1901 1,020.50 0.00 0.01
05/10/2023 13:31:12 Sold 16 FCX @ 35.7633 572.21 0.00 0.00
Glad to exited it totally, for an overall loss of 6.6% or $250.
Now, what about XME?
I’m in deeper loss in XME than I was in FCX, but I don’t think XME is worth holding on to.
Please advise.