Hello from Helsinki!

Life for me is like a dream, in the sense that I sometimes think I know what I experienced, but then I realize I’m not really sure, that maybe I just made it all up. Maybe that’s one reason I take so many photos, to have proof of what I experience, but after a short time even the photos don’t seem real. They are more like reminders of a dream.

Today, I began the final leg of a current dream, a trip that isn’t yet completed but already seems un-real in its entirety. I couldn’t make up any let alone all of what has happened during these past three months, so it must be a dream. The ending in Paris was a perfect example of what I mean.

The night before last, I enjoyed a wonderful dinner with friends, accompanied by a few bottles of wine, all of them at least 50 years old. As proof, below is a photo of the bottles. In spite of the proof, the best description of my experience is dream-like. And the centerpiece was the perfect dream wine. So, even with this evidence, the experience seems somewhat un-real.

After dinner, we had a glass of Malaga that was bottled before the Eiffel Tower was constructed. I’m still thinking about that. It’s like a direct connection to the past, a method of time travel.

Speaking of the Eiffel Tower, I’ve had the good fortune of seeing it many times in the past, but yesterday afternoon I decided to go see it again, just to make sure it’s really there and I didn’t dream it up, too. I took a photo of it, so I guess it’s real. Weird, because when I look at that thing and walk around it, from every angle it looks so un-real to me.

At the moment, I’m between flights. Even though I’ve flown so many times, the idea of flying still amazes me. I still remember my very first flying dream; it’s like the dream took form in ‘real life’.

So, here I sit at the airport in Helsinki, absolutely amazed by everything, with no real idea of what will happen next. The only thing it seems I can be sure of is that whatever happens, it won’t seem real.

Happy dreams to you.


Row row row your boat.
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily.
Life is but a dream.