We should all know by now that they are not our representatives but rather our overlords who perform for the media to report what they want us to hear.
None of the truth comes out unless it’s forced.
The outcome is the same. More power and wealth concentrated in fewer hands.

Covid has destroyed our collective trust in our institutions which can only lead to revolution.
I personally believe we need a complete overhaul.
Without which we can not recover our freedoms.

Worldwide we were told not to question the narrative.
Trust the Science. Don’t do your own research. The vilifying of those who did rise up with valid questions were at levels that have not been seen in Western Society since WW2. Behind the Iron Curtain and other Communist countries this was a daily event. It appears that the ideology of these Blocs has switched.
China is still under state control though.

Germany is going to be the test case. How are the masses going to react to the planned energy shortages?
Are the overlord using Germany’s WW2 guilt against them? They will cease to exist as an industrial nation. Millions of citizens and refugees will be unemployed and the spector of UBI will hover overhead.

The flooding of the Western Nations with refugees will overwhelm all governments into providing government support through UBI. This has been planned for some time. I see this in Canada where we are taking in more immigrants than we can absorb into the economy. Something has to give. Housing appears to be the driver of our economy. Without that, we are toast.
It’s a self fulfilling loop.