I have never seen anything like this. How does a tire impacting the front of a car cause the car to go flying into the air? Absolutely crazy. You have to see it to believe it.
I have never seen anything like this. How does a tire impacting the front of a car cause the car to go flying into the air? Absolutely crazy. You have to see it to believe it.
“Stay Safe”
Physics and the power of momentum. The tire was squeezed under the front of the Kia as a rate of speed to combine with the momentum of travel to create a force that could easily throw the car up in the air like that.
“Physics and the power of momentum.” Thanks for that quote because that is exactly the type of power and momentum I expect to see soon in gold and silver.
Love it when the tire hit the car in the ass at the end. Too bad it didn’t happen to a smart car.