What Tucker seems to have realized, slower than many of us, and certainly much later than some visionaries (Huxley, Carlin, Orwell)
is that this system we are living under is so riddled with corruption, and so well defended covertly (now overtly) by the protected class, that we are now likely only debating the most humane means for tearing the system down and starting over.
Any other path takes us towards a dystopian future of 21st century feudalism, if not worse. (Genocide via biowarfare)

Reform is not politically possible.
And a Durable Revival likely means that the protected class must be divorced from their most substantial means of support.
That likely means bonds (claims on debt service), primarily.
(And that’s a call to end the Fed, the buyer of last resort and the agent of official sector counterfeiting they use to support bond prices)

For the most dependent class, it likely means they will lose key pillars of support from established welfare programs.
The funding and institutions will vanish. The social contract now in place is dying. Mayhem is baked into the cake.

Basic services, like water, power and trash collection will become unreliable as public maintenance falters.

The Left has chosen the Cuban or Venezuelan model.
Pillage the Rich until they quit or leave.
Then divide the shrinking pie evenly so that while you may never be able to share the wealth, you can at least all share the same misery.

The Conservative Right still thinks there is a path forward.
But they have to recognize that they live in a world where Reason is not an argument but a Ball and Chain.
You can’t Reason with the Left.
They care only about winning the ideological battle by eliminating open dissent and by seizing power by whatever means necessary.