It is truly amazing that people did zero research into what they were putting in their body but….
they are overwhelming saying no to the climate change agenda.
What was the difference? Well the 24/7 Military Industrial Fear Propaganda with death and cases plastered over their TV screens worked wonderfully. We all saw people we thought had the skills to see through it but did not. FEAR!
When I ask people if they want to follow Net Zero Carbon to save the planet, most still are not aware of what these WEF captured politicians are pushing. They believe I’m crazy. “That will never happen”. Some state the “Inconvenient Truth” movie as helping them see through the scam. The deadlines have come and gone without the end of the World as we know it. We should thank Al Gore.
The Carbon Tax scam is still not understood yet. Many believe we can buy our way to reducing Carbon usage. But it ends there. I point out that in BC we have increased our CO2 once the Lockdowns were over and the increased Carbon Taxes are just making us poorer. Solar and wind power is now failings as a reliable power source all over the world and it can not be hidden. Once you close the Nuclear power stations, it’s over. All of this agenda is being forced upon us rapidly. It’s waking people up. What about a transition period??? Look at Germany.
Pollution of the air, water and soil IS a major concern. Many look at the tremendous waste of resources for masks, other PPE, injections and vials for something most now know did not work. Yes about 70% know it. They get very quiet and change the subject whereas at the peak of the hysteria I would have been accused as someone who is going to kill Granny way up in Prince George (a BC joke).
I’m all for reducing use of our resources. Rehoming items and recycling. I just hope their recycling is what they are telling us.
In our Mountain village we just spent millions to build a new water reservoir to supply our needs. It was costly and has caused our base rate and usage rates to rise to meet the costs. Last year we did an household experiment where I collected the cold water before my shower turned Hot. I had enough to flush the toilet three times. The same could be done at the kitchen sink My water usage dropped almost a cubic meter (1000 litres) a month. That was substantial and I still do that.
I would love to see mass messaging about reduction of our resources at the household level instead of these drastic measures forced upon the public. Multi step rates for consumption works. I have never reached Level 2 for my electricity or water use. It’s an instant reward. Those who do, pay substantially higher rates. There is no inconvenience just requires thinking it through.
Same with transportation. More efficient ICE vehicles are out there.
I have a gas guzzling pickup only used for camping but an efficient ICE for daily use. We cycle or walk most places. I look at it as necessary exercise not an inconvenience.
There are ways we could all reduce the use of water in our homes. Goes for heating and electricity use. I’m all for it. I watched what my parents and grandparents did. They lived through the depression. They never changed.
The other extravagance is clothing. We all know how we can reduce consumption. Our family of five wore hand me downs until we hit our early teens. I believe most in our neighbourhood did the same. It was a different time.
The waste I see by the general public is incredible.
People’s lack of knowledge of how to make simple repairs just blows me away. I try to buy stuff that I know I can fix and not toss. Youtube is a great resource for repair knowledge.
That’s my rambling rant for the day. I feel better now 🙂
When I lived in CO, where water is scarce and can get pricey, we did this in our large home. Otherwise, it took 4-5 minutes for shower water to get hot.
There may be better articles, but this is a start.
Otherwise, with you on the theme.
Well … At at time me and a friend (old business school buddy and former business associate), had a discussion where I tried to inform/convince him not to take ‘the’. He informed me that he did extensive study on ‘it’ and was convinced if was for the goof/ save & effective. This friend is pretty well educated but apparently he choosed and found the wrong sources (on the web) and made his faith.
Recently, I talked with him and he proposed a document … and that document drafted by him had so much errors, that I just did not bother to mention it to him asit would be too painfull for him to have his errors addressed. That is what I mean when I say … people’s brains are litterly melting (away). The post from FGC ‘coffee & …; posted today) informs us with the same:
Researchers injected free spike protein (same as the type from the ‘vaccines’) directly into mice brains. They discovered that being exposed to spike protein destroyed brain synapses and caused neuro-inflammation, memory loss, and cognitive dysfunction between 30 to 45 days after exposure.
This makes people act like Mad Cows . . . e voila: same coffee-article (posted today) states:
Anecdotally, independent neurologists have reported to me that they are starting to diagnose more Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease cases, compared to ultra-rare pre-pandemic levels when a neurologist might see one case in an entire career.
All of this is leading to the ZOMBIFICATION of society which ain’t a pretty forecast!
On the bright side …we purebloods will look like geniuses along side these brain dammaged sheeple