People Should be “Seething Mad” Over COVID – And Much More
Think of the situation in America as a chess game where one side has a great superiority on the board and is thinking “Mate in 3,” but then makes an overly aggressive move that loses its queen. That’s what may have happened the way the COVID authoritarians (or as I call them in my novel, Takers) have so alienated vast numbers of Americans with their brazen assaults on freedom since early 2020. We have a “teachable moment” in the country when the people can see how bad government control truly is.
So our task ahead is to make the most of this opening, to throw the forces of statism on the defensive.
Keep up the Pressure….Every Day…Speak your mind to anyone and everyone…critical mass is Accumulating…we won’t fall back to apathy .
That is what I mean as ANGRY as a MAD DOG!
“So our task ahead is to make the most of this opening”
That is why I’m so vigilantly on the lookout for the blueprint to the changes that must be made so that the erosion we’ve seen in America doesn’t happen again, or at least more slowly.
In short, the protections must be on autopilot, not dependent on pushback.
A political version of the automatic stabilizers that economists discuss in macro 101.
Eg, suppose instead of antitrust division of DOJ, corporate tax rates are set (each year or two) at the rate of market share. 20% share, 20% tax. Monopoly => 100% tax. Keep the admin burden low. Let the corporation propose a number. Let a panel of citizens vote on it, up or down. If down, then the applied number is drawn AT RANDOM from a wheel (50% is the median). Or some similar mechanism. Panels drawn randomly from virtual citizens, and new panel for each case. Nothing systematic to be played.
That’s one example.
pedro for Finance Minister !!
A great article to send around.
Yes, keep up the pressure. The more we spread the word, the Centre will become energized with anger to demand change.
The Centre has become very quiet lately. They know something is not right with the Covid Narrative but I believe they are terrified of the damage that they may have done to their health. Don’t want to discuss it but are receptive to opposing the Carbon Agenda bigtime. I am still of the belief that not all the shots were active or bad. Was that planned? I don’t know.
We will reach a point where a certain segment of the population will never let Covid out of their lives. The Govt loves these people but abuses them greatly.
Holding those responsible for this planned attack against civilization is a must. This group is larger than I initially thought or is it the observation that the Branch has inserted themselves into positions of power in greater numbers over the past decade?
The administrative class is likely aware of the rising anger against them and they will make mistakes. Keep up the pressure.