On Friday February 17th, I proposed that the SWHTF for the economy, the banks and the markets, as a result of the ending of the paper gold and especially, silver short futures contracts. Of course I had no way of knowing for sure if that would be the weekend when everything would fall into place. The banking crisis began just weeks after and has expanded since. I have been tracking the clues and trying to explain them as best as I can. My intention was to impress upon everyone how dire the situation is and how close we are to it playing out. I wanted to shock and scare people into taking action if they hadn’t already done so. The years of complacency have caused many to believe the status quo will continue indefinitely, but the clues of why that will not be the case are too many to list here. I and others have detailed them over the last few months. I am glad I was wrong about the timing of this all playing out. If the delay and my continued warnings and listing of clues leads to even one more person taking action to protect themselves, then I’d rather be wrong about when it actually occurs. Unfortunately, the delay may have only been three months. Things are accelerating and may play out along the lines I was expecting back in February. Some possible scenarios could include a bank holiday, a flood of FED liquidity either via a large interest rate cut, some other new type of lending facility for the banks or both. Possible suspension of stock trading especially if the Comex in NY and or the LME in London are shut down and all futures contracts go into default. The debt ceiling and the Biden crime family disclosures are more potential catalysts. Get completely out of the banking system.(that includes money market accounts and possibly brokerage accounts as well.) You can have small positions in the system if the bulk of your wealth is in physical gold and or silver in your possession. If the worse case happens and even those small, in the system positions go bust, it won’t matter compared to your metals holdings. The time is here, this week is crucial and the three day holiday shutdown and collapse is likely to be the Memorial Day Weekend if they can keep things duck taped together until then?


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