Save this one for when you are relaxing with your favorite beverage or bud and undistracted from any and all Stupidity.
Three Eroding Pillars
There are three major operations happening right now that
form the foundation for Davos’ desired Great Reset project.
They are
1)The War in Ukraine,
2) The imposition of transnational governance through global health policy
3 )replacing the old monetary system with a new one.
All three are glued together by fundamentally anti-capitalist
rhetoric mixed with direct assaults on the transportation and
production of basic economic goods all in the name of fighting
Climate Change.
There are a number of ways to view the Great Reset and the
massive logistics infrastructure needed to implement it. But it
devolves into those three operations at their core.
SNIP 1…”In football, managing the time clock is key to victory. Be it on
offense or defense, using the clock serves one goal: denying
your opponent a chance to win. Wasting our time with
distractions is one of the key strategic weapons those in power
use against us.
Bamboozle enough people with obvious idiocy and you can
quietly let your other plans tick away in the background. No
one has the ability to synthesize all the information in real time
and effectively communicate it to enough people to stifle the resulting confusion.
That’s the plan, anyway. But when the lies are so big, they go over like a lead balloon.
With each failed distraction, detecting the next one becomes that much easier to see
and ignore.
This month’s issue is focused on the distractions they are flying in our faces and
giving you strategies to bring them down with an ignominious thud.”
SNIP 2…We all like to believe we live in a world where the rules are
equally applicable to all people. That’s what we’re told, anyway.
When the reality, of course, is that access to the ‘rules
committee’ is what determines who wins and who loses.
Or even, who is allowed to play.
We’re less than two months into 2023 and one thing is very
clear to me, the great globalist project is running into serious
There has been a general awakening happening all over the
world to some aspects of the plans of these people I like to call
The Davos Crowd. Not everyone gets it, certainly, but enough
do that Davos is having to react aggressively.
Tom Luongo
IF Article is paywalled . He’s worth the price IMO
This is an important Piece by Luongo …If you aspire to his passioned take
so I posted it in the first comment
I grew up an enormous sports fan, especially the NFL. I
bled NY Giant blue growing up in the 1970’s and they were so
bad for so long I thought I’d bleed out before they ever made
the playoffs, no less won a Super Bowl.
I’m a “defense wins championships” kinda guy. So, I loved Bill
Parcells, who coached my Giants to two Super Bowl wins, in my
opinion, the right way – efficient, safe offense coupled with
superlative defense. I’d rather watch a 2-1 pitcher’s duel in
baseball or a 1-0 goaltending exhibition than a game of
basketball, any game of basketball, where points flow like
handouts from Congress at a military contractor road show.
But in the late 1990’s I fell out of love with the NFL. The game
was dominated by systems and scripts. It stagnated under the
weight of groupthink in offensive and defensive designs.
Sports is on-the-fly storytelling. It is supposed to celebrate
spontaneity and individual effort but within a team concept
that represents your values and your community.
NFL football had become so big and important that coaches
would rather ‘lose the right way’ than take a chance to ‘win the
wrong way.’ Free agency destroyed the community of our
teams. Complexity dominated to that point that playbooks
were as big as sections of the Federal Register. It begged for
someone to find a simple solution. And it got that.
When Buddy Ryan introduced the ‘Zone Blitz’ to the game
everything changed, for the better. For a while. A league
dominated by the Bill Walsh/Sid Gilman “West Coast Offense,”
finally began to take a backseat to defense going on the attack.
All of those complicated formations, misdirections, and high
probability short passes were disrupted by simply flooding with
one side of the field with seven guys to rush the quarterback
and take away his time to read.
Ryan would ‘flood the zone’ with more men than the offense
could block. If the quarterback picked the right ‘zone’ the blitz
was coming from he could dump the ball off to the open man
for a big gain
If he didn’t he was staring at the field from his back and facing
‘second and 22.’
Spontaneity had returned briefly to the NFL. But, it quickly
became a guessing game. Now every play was a coin toss. I
hated the ‘West Coast Offense’ even more now because it gave
rise to the ‘Zone Blitz.’
A pox on both of their houses.
No matter what tweaks the NFL Rules Committee make every
year to mitigate this devolution of the sport, the basic
framework is the same, the game is fundamentally broken.
In our political life, flooding the zone looks like the endless
procession of emergencies, scandals, and manufactured crises
which keep everyone guessing where the next attack of the
globalist blitz will come from.
Denial is Not Just a River
When you think about the ‘Zone Blitz’ as an idea it’s a negation
thing. It’s saying I have no way to beat you other than to not
let you play the game. I will deny you agency.
In any gaming environment, if there is a ‘lock-out’ strategy
everyone is racing for, the game itself is fundamentally flawed.
Imagine playing chess but where you could make a move that
denied your opponent the right to use his rooks or his queen.
Or a game of Texas Hold ‘em where you can deny someone
their hole cards.
I despise games like this. In fact, I’d argue they aren’t games at
all. But do you know who does like them? Control freaks,
sociopaths, and bullies. I spent a lot of my life around people
like this, who, frankly, get off on destroying their opponents.
The parallels between sports/games and the current
geopolitical and financial landscape should be obvious.
These are the same people who have their feet on the scale of
what is publicly acceptable. And if someone steps out of line,
well, it’s time for them to lose their voice
We all like to believe we live in a world where the rules are
equally applicable to all people. That’s what we’re told, anyway.
When the reality, of course, is that access to the ‘rules
committee’ is what determines who wins and who loses.
Or even, who is allowed to play.
We’re less than two months into 2023 and one thing is very
clear to me, the great globalist project is running into serious
There has been a general awakening happening all over the
world to some aspects of the plans of these people I like to call
The Davos Crowd. Not everyone gets it, certainly, but enough
do that Davos is having to react aggressively.
For years, they’ve come after the easily marginalized – “The AltRight,” “Alex Jones,” “Conspiracy Theorists,” etc. – and it was
child’s play for them to convince normal people that these were
the fringe who abused their ‘free speech.’
They were ‘zone blitzed’ out of the public with lawsuits,
pressure campaigns, and deplatforming. It was chilling then
and it’s chilling now.
One recent example is the removal of the head of the World
Bank, David Malpass. Malpass was a Trump appointee who
publicly questioned the CO2-as-planet-killer narrative and was
roasted for it. A recent struggle session ensued, he was forced
to apologize for his heresy and resign.
Now, Davos thinks it can continue to make the world safe for its
ESG corporate credit score having
clawed back the top of one of its
globalist pillars of their planned
technocracy, just in time for the EU
to roll out new, more stringent
ESG-related rules for importers.
Malpass is an important win for
Davos but it’s not going to move the
needle with the public like going after anyone investigating
Pfizer or Hunter Biden.
What’s happening today is different because these tactics now
carry a far different message than before.
Shutting up Andrew Anglin or Richard Spencer is one thing.
They trigger people’s disgust circuit so thoroughly justifying to
themselves taking away their rights as people can be excused as
a necessary evil to protect the community.
The ‘zone blitz’ against people like Dr. Peter McCullough is
something far different. The recent move to oust James O’Keefe
from Project Veritas had all of us, myself included, jumping up
immediately to tie this to his bombshell report tying Pfizer to
directed evolution.
This was another ‘zone blitz’ against a real journalist out of
revenge and damage control.
This is no different than the ongoing revenge against Julian
Assange, keeping him shut up in prison for publishing
information given to him and Wikileaks.
Davos’ zone blitz strategy, however, has begun to change from
one of denial that there is anything wrong to covering up that
which they’ve done because their crimes have broken
It is the crimes that will enflame people’s passions. This is why
the O’Keefe story is important. Millions of people immediately
went there. The meme has fully broken containment and the
signal can’t be stopped now, no matter how much they try.
At its core too many people had the sinking feeling that
COVID-19 wasn’t just a pandemic that it was the opening
gambit in a war against humanity itself. O’Keefe’s trapping the
Senior Engineer at Pfizer just further confirmed what we all
knew in our hearts to be true.
And this is why Davos is flooding the zone, because once this
shibboleth – trusting the science – collapses, all the other
projects that are based on this premise lose all public support as
Three Eroding Pillars
There are three major operations happening right now that
form the foundation for Davos’ desired Great Reset project.
They are 1) the War in Ukraine, 2) the imposition of
transnational governance through global health policy and 3)
replacing the old monetary system with a new one.
All three are glued together by fundamentally anti-capitalist
rhetoric mixed with direct assaults on the transportation and
production of basic economic goods all in the name of fighting
Climate Change.
There are a number of ways to view the Great Reset and the
massive logistics infrastructure needed to implement it. But it
devolves into those three operations at their core.
And if you look around the
headlines today you can see clearly
that all three of these operations
have hit major stumbling blocks.
The War in Ukraine is going badly
for the Ukrainians. Having failed
to trap thousands of Russian troops
near Kherson during last fall’s
offensive, NATO now has very little political leverage over
Russian President Vladimir Putin to force him to step down or
accept a settlement.
The meatgrinder that is Bakhmut is working out to the
Russians’ advantage having slowly won the attrition war there
leaving the Ukrainians in very bad shape. Even NATO Secretary
General Jens Stoltenberg is finally admitting that Ukraine is ‘out
of ammunition’ and the race is on to supply the front while
Russia continues to bomb Ukraine’s physical infrastructure to
make that difficult.
Whether Russia has the capabilities to take full advantage of
this or not is a different discussion.
From Davos’ perspective, one major narrative, Ukraine is
winning, is collapsing.
The second operation, a Health Superstate, was delivered major
blows before James O’Keefe’s reporting. It is also in serious
trouble. The combination of the loosening the speech controls
at Twitter in the wake of Elon Musk’s takeover of the company
and an ascendent minority within the GOP delegation in
Congress, has opened up the floodgates of attention on the
COVID-19 vaccination program.
This is rapidly becoming a story about misuse of public funds,
abuse of public trust, and corruption at the highest levels of
government rather than a clarion call for global governance to
protect public health.
Politicians previously drunk on absolute powers granted to
them during COVID-19, like New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, are
being driven out of power. The Social Democratic Party (SPD)
in Germany just lost the Berlin regional election to the Christian
Democratic Union (CDU) for the first time in 24 years. Given
the results, I don’t expect much effective change at the national
level yet, this is a signpost that German politics is shifting hard
away from the Green Party mafia shepherded into place by
Davos through Angela Merkel.
Here at home, there is profit for normally feckless Republicans
on Capitol Hill to go after members of the “Biden”
Administration and its corporate partner, Pfizer (NYSE:PFE).
The case is building against President Biden and for previously
protected apparatchiks from political and legal fallout.
The last operation, transforming the global monetary system,
has also sailed directly into the iceberg of the Federal Reserve.
At February’s FOMC meeting the Fed raised the Fed Funds Rate
another 0.25%, foregoing the option of a second 0.50% hike.
The US economic data continues to defy critics, coming in
stronger than expected and supporting my contention from last
month that there will be no recession in the US in 2023.
January’s CPI was slightly higher than expectations.
The markets finally began waking up to this reality and false
signals coming
from the US
yield curve. US
Secretary Janet
Yellen has been
fighting the Fed
by mobilizing
the Treasury’s
general account
to sell short term
debt (2/3 year
notes) to buy
long term debt
(10, 20, and 30
year notes/
bonds). This is
her putting her
thumb on the
scale of the yield inversion between the 2-year and the 10-year,
currently between 0.75% and 0.80%. This helps fuel an
historic mispricing of US debt, feeding the traditional view that
inversions equal recessions.
To all of these we can add Seymour Hersh’s bombshell article
on the Biden administration’s year-plus plans to blow up the
Nordstream pipelines which the Davos controlled media is both
trying to stuff down the memory hole but also use to further
amplify the ‘US as rogue empire’ malign actor cover story.
Hersh’s article is a perfectly timed Molotov cocktail that now
requires levels of damage control previously thought beyond
the pale.
Game Over, Man!
Cue the “Chinese Spy Balloon” story and it quickly morphing
into a certain Kinks song, becoming the theme music for the
next resurrection of the X-Files.
The reason there’s a ‘little green man’ in our heads is because
Davos helped put them there with their ever more bizarre
narratives about the need for global communism. Honestly, the
things happening are so surreal alien invasion at this point I
don’t blame anyone for having it on their whiteboard.
So, we’re going to be inundated with hysteria after hysteria
while the push for implementing the technical and regulatory
structure of their technocratic dystopia accelerates below the
It will happen where they still have the most power –
California, the UK, the EU, Canada, and NATO. I could flood
you with the headlines here but what is most important is that
they are doing this because they are vulnerable.
The distractions will be thick and heavy.
When we have a US government officially denying that the
military operations to shoot down objects over our airspaces in
Montana and Michigan were alien objects and repeated by the
New York Times, it begs some serious questions.
And to me, the only one that matters is, “Where is the next big
escalation in their war against us going to come from?”
This is intentional. It’s designed to keep your frantic, jumping
at shadows, and confused as to what their real aims are.
The New York
Times refused to
cover Hersh’s
article about the
Hersh’s article
hasn’t been
reported by the
German media at
Instead, we’re
implored to, “DO
Seeding aliens
into the media
cycle is just
another variation on “I See Red People.” In the 21st century
McCarthyism is the now the rallying cry of the political left,
having demonized Russia to the point of justifying all-out war.
Because the alien invasion negation is meant to lead people
into the discussion of who actually floated these balloons. It is
meant to unnerve us that Fortress America is crumbling. Russia
and China’s arms are long enough now to reach into the
heartland and it’s time to get serious about that war.
This year’s Munich Security Conference should be the stage
where they roll out the next escalation against Russia and
China. It’s what they did last year while flooding the zone with
stories about Russia’s impending attack on Ukraine, which they
maneuvered Russia into.
This time last year, Vice-President Kamala Harris was given a
speech to read that read like an open declaration of war
against Russia over its conflict with a non-NATO country.
Then, On February 22, 2022, President Zelenskyy demanded
nuclear weapons.
George Soros skipped this year’s World Economic Forum Annual
Meeting in Davos to prepare his speech for Munich. And, right
on script, he called openly for NATO to confront Russia
The talk about Poland taking administrative control over
western Ukraine may be disinformation chatter, but if the
Donbass front collapses, placing a NATO army in the country as
a tripwire for invoking Article 5, even if Article 5 doesn’t apply
to hostilities against NATO troops in non-NATO countries makes
The US just issued a warning for all Americans to leave Russia
now. France among a number of EU countries have issued a
similar warning about Belarus. This is almost always a
precursor to war.
There are seismic events just over the horizon for the future of
the global monetary system. Russia has survived the shock and
awe of sanctions that Harris promised in last year’s Munich
The FOMC has won the war on monetary policy versus the ECB
and the Eurodollar system. Global US dollar liquidity is drying
up while opposition to further Ukraine monetary support from
Congress is heating up.
President Biden announced the end of all COVID-19 emergency
measures for May 11th, one week after the May FOMC
The fight on Capitol Hill over the raising the debt ceiling has
been engaged fully. “Biden” will try again, like in 2021, to use
it as a way to force new spending programs. The US was
officially warned by both Moody’s and Fitch that a downgrade
of US debt hangs in the balance.
So, there is a replay of the summer of 2011 when Standard and
Poor’s downgraded US debt from AAA to AA+, cueing up on
that front just as LIBOR is ending at the end of June and
trillions of dollars in dollar-denominated debt is threatened
with repricing shock.
Is it any wonder that they need to throw everything at us now
to make something stick?
And if they do it hard enough and fast enough they hope we
won’t have time to read the zone blitz and, “just say no.”