“You see, the story here isn’t that a man and his surrogates scammed a state into electing him when he wasn’t healthy enough to do the job. The story is just how courageous he is for not being able to do his job. Apparently, the US Senate is now a rehab facility for people with long-standing (and previously undisclosed) severe clinical depression”


Lets face it this is a story for our times

You gotta believe knowing what we know that This Guy suffered a stroke because of the Vaxx.

Then they prop him up like A weekend at Bernies …He is completely screwed up during the debate…BUT

He wins… over a TV Doctor.. and now he is Now a US Senator….BUT sadly he is not well…at all..and cannot posibly fulfil his role….unless his role is just a Body in the nearly split Senate

You can’t make this up !

Like the meme says

Biden-Fetterman 2024…it’s a No Brainer