The Epoch Times ran a forward-looking story Monday headlined, “mRNA Vaccine in Food Products Could Be Banned in Tennessee.”
Tennessee Republicans filed a proposal in the state’s general assembly that would prohibit the manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, or offering for sale of any part of livestock or meat food product containing an mRNA vaccine or any vaccine material without clear labels stating the vaccine contents.
Now, I call that getting ahead of the problem. I am currently unaware of any mRNA vaccines being injected into livestock, but we need to head this thing off at the pass, because it is coming fast. Great job, Tennessee Republicans! Other red states should follow suit.
Time for RDS to follow suit.
Make it cost prohibitive for food mfg and distributors to manage separate supply lines.
CA already does this with autos with their standards that force other states to defacto adopt CA standards as manufacturers are forced to comply with the toughest standard.