The End of Reality Consensus Disorder
Thanks Brian
JH KUNSTLER…one of his best
The big annual World Economic Forum meet-up concluded last week with a mighty “So, What?” as the world struggled with some success to get its mind right after years of relentless WEF-inspired psy-ops. Own nothing… eat bugs… great re-set… yeah, right. These days, fewer sovereign individuals believe der Schwabenklaus bullshit about the necessity of becoming menials for the “fittest 0.1 percent” of mankind who comprise the WEF’s cabal of elite “strategic partners.” News reports pegged the attendance in Davos this year at a shocking mere half of invitees. Did the absentees quail at the risk of all being together in the same auditorium (what with all those drones and missiles available on the black market)? Or could they not find enough unvaccinated pilots to fly their private jets?
Between the disgraceful escape from Afghanistan, and the decade long arming of the most corrupt fiefdom in Europe, there is easily tens of billion dollars worth of modern military weaponry available for purchase. These pathetic, publicized “elite” get togethers are certainly coming to an end – one way or another.