Our elected representatives have become our “Rulers”. We have lost the fact that they should be listening to us, not the other way around.

The Divide and Conquer scheme, that the MSM enables, will guarantee that we are so distracted that we lose sight of the reality that we should be in control. We need to join with the Centre who are coming around to the truth and need support not blame. Yes, they went along to travel, eat out, etc. I would have to say that by now, those who still cling to the official Covid narrative, are members of the Branch. They are dug in and are soul suckers if you attempt to educate them. Wasting your time on them is futile.

What works? Just ignore them, smile and shake your head. Walk away.
Concentrate on the Centre who are questioning the narrative and need help. They will be our allies going forward. We still don’t know how badly this poison will affect our immune system long-term. No one knows. Hopefully their bodies will heal.

I’m not encountering many from the Centre who still cling to the shot regimen or believe it is “Safe and Effective”. I believe Team Reality has done a great job of helping this group realize the truth. Glad to report that I haven’t much more to say. We could be 70% now.

I do run across members of the Branch. There is no logic that can be used to convert them. I don’t even try. Just being shot-free and healthy triggers them.

We need to unite or we will lose.