As you know from my posts and comments on this topic, I have been rooting for(for the benefit of the country) an unlikely scenario. I acknowledged that  it was unlikely the Supremes would do the right thing in ruling on the Brunson case that  the oath to the Constitution was disregarded by those who dismissed even looking into the possibility of foreign influence in the 2020 election. However, what if the plan by the Republicans was to stall the Speaker vote (as has been playing out) until the court makes some kind of announcement tomorrow, on January 6th when they should at least declare whether they will hear the case? The GOP can then either choose McCarthy (after having obtained the best deal they could obtain from him on concessions) if the court doesn’t dismiss the offenders, or in the slim chance they do the right thing and remove them, the GOP can vote in Trump as Speaker so he can rightfully resume being the President following the rules of succession in the Constitution. I think, Trump, McCarthy and the rest of the House caucus may have agreed to this arrangement all along. All bases are covered, the members who really don’t want McCarthy get their concessions, and if even the slightest chance that the court steps up and does the right thing, the rightful President gets restored and McCarthy is the Speaker anyway, after the fact. A win, win, win for Trump, McCarthy and most of all, the country.