Jeff Childers at his FINEST

Imagine a plucky young cadet who finally landed that plum job at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They hit the big time, proudly texting their parents and friends about their accomplishment. They’re excited, raring to go, ready to bring down the next Al Capone. Imagine how they must have felt after getting their first assignment: “you’re reading twitter all day to find misinformation about vaccines and the election.”

In my mind’s eye, the naive young FBI agent eagerly asks, “what crimes are we looking for?” Her supervisor answers brusquely, “shut up and surf the internet. Your quota is 300 tweets a day.”

As it turned out, and as our plucky young cadet learned the hard way, it wasn’t Al Qaeda they were after. It wasn’t Al Capone. It wasn’t even Al Gore. It was Al Smith of Two Eggs, Florida, with 32 Twitter followers, mostly close relations, who’d tweeted that he would bet a 12-pack of Natural Light the election was stolen, and he wouldn’t jab his neighbor’s pig, either.

Thank goodness for the FBI.

Read his whole Take of Twitter Files Part 6 …from his Legal Eagle Eye…FBI et al are Legally Culpable to the Maximum .