Elon Musk almost broke Twitter by instantly triggering every virtue-signaling intellectual leftist on the platform yesterday. He did this in one short sentence fragment that simultaneously mocked woke trans politics and also jabbed a dagger straight into the heart of leftists’ bobbleheaded medical idol. Here’s the tweet:

Twitter avatar for @elonmusk
Elon Musk
My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci
10:58 AM ? Dec 11, 2022
As you can see from the stats, it went over BIG. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a tweet with over ONE MILLION LIKES before. But not the experts. The experts were outraged. I could show you a list of several dozen tweets from badly triggered covid experts, but in the interest of time, here’s just one disgraceful example:

Twitter avatar for @PeterHotez
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD
For the record: Dr. Fauci has done nothing wrong, except serve our nation. In the meantime, Mr. Musk should know that 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives from Covid due to this kind of antiscience rhetoric and disinformation. Elon, I’m asking you to take down this Tweet

But, vox populi!

A smaller but significant sub-thread speculated at Musk’s motives. Why would he say this? Is it part of a limited hangout? Why was Musk so inflammatory and provocative?

I’m not sure, but maybe this morning’s tweet gives us a clue:


As I blogged yesterday, it was the pandemic that “red pilled” Elon Musk. Pre-covid, Elon Musk was a lifelong democrat. LIFELONG. He LOVED living in California with all the other virtuous people. But Musk just voted Republican for the first time in his life in the most recent election cycle.

Musk’s conversion is easily traced to when he got mugged by California after it shut down his car factory — even though “energy companies” were supposedly designated “essential” under the state’s health regulations. After he filed a lawsuit, a California politician tweeted that Musk should go “F” himself.

At enormous personal and financial expense, Musk moved the whole shebang to Texas and changed teams. Buh bye. Thanks, drooling, overreaching bureaucrats.

I realize some folks retain honest skepticism about the billionaire entrepreneur, for plenty of good reasons. But, we can take our wins where we find them, can’t we?

Either way, you can’t PAY for this kind of entertainment.