That hasn’t stopped BBC from publishing multiple articles a day on the topic.  For example, on Sunday BBC published 4 different articles throughout the day and yesterday 3 different articles, including one titled ‘Strep A schools may be given preventive antibiotics’. “Health experts say parents and doctors need to be vigilant and alert … the UK must brace itself for more cases,” the BBC stated.

Dr. Vernon Coleman, who has been steadfast in speaking the truth and against corporate media fear-mongering since early 2020 gives his expert opinion on the latest scare.

“I doubt if the hundreds of doctors allowed to preach on mainstream media will tell you all this, of course. Could it possibly be because most of them are stupid, ignorant, drug company-educated bastards who couldn’t see the truth if it punched them on the nose?

Vernon Coleman’s book ‘How to stop your doctor killing you is available as a paperback and an eBook – via the bookshop on this website. And his book ‘Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying is available too.”