Today is ONLY December 7th. Gold and silver are just getting started. Notice the unusual up and down volatility in today’s precious metals trading so far today. This comes after we had the expected “few days of pullback” that I called for. This whole month is JUST a Prelude to the next three years, which I have detailed in recent posts. The ten year bull market that started in January 2015 completed it’s correction, first for Silver in early Sept. and for Gold with a triple bottom being completed two months later.  Gold and silver, after having been down for much of the year, were  both HIGHER for the year at last week’s highs before this pullback. By week’s end they will be up for the year and will be going even higher. There has been a considerable underperformance for most of the juniors and exploration companies because of tax loss selling and lack of precious metals bullishness. That is a good thing. By the end of the month and once the calendar turns, they will join in the party and begin to run.  So, first we get explosive moves in gold, silver and the majors for the rest of this month and then we get to look forward to 2023 when the juniors, the exploration companies and every little lottery ticket penny stock, gets caught up in the next three year,  final leg of the greatest precious metals bullmarket, in history. Enjoy!