I just sent this to Brownstone via a contact page…please do so as well if you agree ”

The article titled New Thinking on Mass Formation is complete BULLSHIT in my opinion

This reads like a puff piece paid for by the same perpetrators who are asking for “Amnesty”

This WAS all planned and the Mass Formation followed from the Mass Hysteria fostered by the bought and paid for Media ( bought by all the well know subjects…Big Pharma and the WEF especially

I am shocked that Brownstone would publish a piece like this . Your credibility with your readers has taken a huge HIT

We have discussed this at Goldtent and EVERY commenter agrees with this comment

The credentials of these 3 “authors” is extremely suspect.

Your Brownstone Institute has take a big hit ! FWIW

Shocking as we feel Jeffrey Tuckers work is outstanding

here is the link to send a message
