Once the results are tabulated and the winners declared, we are still left with one side not accepting the results.   Let the battle begin.  Nothing will be settled.

IMHO those who control the US are at the Centre of all the lettered NGOs.  The WEF, the EU, WHO, World Bank, IMF, The UN are all for the benefit of this  shadowy group.  This is the battle.  The only way through this mess is a devastating war which hopefully clears this group out.

If the WEF wins,  all property including PMs will be gradually confiscated through taxation and the effects of inflation.  Eventually, our physical gold and silver will run out as once you spend it, there may be no method of replenishing your supply.  Only if we can successfully implement a  closed parallel economy run on barter and true money.  This would be very difficult if they win and implement their Global ID/CBDC/Social Credit scores.

As they hope to quietly exit the Covid experiment on compliance, the next push for control will be enacted via climate change. On a good note, this appears to be failing.    We must stop them now.  Sadly this means the destruction of the Western way of life as these bastards won’t go down without a fight.  We’ve had a good run, it’s over for the EU and likely the rest of the Anglo-American world.

This is all about the end of the current fiat currency and sovereign debt collapse.  It works until it doesn’t.  God did we live well though!

EDIT: I realize that was a dark post.  I do have hope.  The Green Agenda’s goals are not obtainable in the time frame they give.  It’s not possible.  I see the amount of building in BC and all over.  It all uses energy.   People are realizing and waking up.  It’s not going to happen this Northern Winter but come Spring there should be billions of pissed off citizens of the World.    We just don’t have to comply.

The Covid shot was a compliance test.  I’m not 100% that they knew it would kill and maim as many as it is.  That alone should wake people up.  The excess deaths that are following the introduction of the shots is difficult to hide.   These bastards will not let it go.  We know how it will end for them.

If we lose the Branch over the next few years to immune failures, we have less to fight.