Smart Meters: Gas and Electric
Appears that the Utility Companies are gradually switching over to Smart Meters.
– the elimination of a monthly meter reader.
-on demand access to usage
-some maintenance savings and ease of measuring leakages
-another wireless device, associated health concerns
-possibility of future utility control (carbon allowance) Social Credit system
The coercion is great. The monthly penalty for reading the meter can be prohibitive to some and they are forced into accepting one.
Anyone else concerned?
Is this happening in other countries?
Been an issue in the States for at least a decade.
Given the health concerns, can’t they shield them so they only signal toward the street or to a cell tower? (Not inside) Or have the RFF devices turned OFF except for read dates or by a prompt signal (like deep space exploration craft)?
I’ll be asking a lot of questions.
Dodged a bullet. Our Municipality opted out of Smart Meters.
The Installer showed me the replacement meter before I let him install it. He told me that no one has ever asked the question.
Same as the shots. Sheeple!
I believe he thought I was crazy. Who cares.
if these guys dont have shielding for your smart meters they certainly will know how and where to get it
here also
Thanks GG. A good resource for those who are facing this.