I and others have opined regarding CBDC’s. There is no need for one, unless you are a government that wants total authoritarian control over your population, which is where most governments want to go. They argue they are innocuous and provide a more efficient way of transacting business. While true on the efficiency aspect, that is already available through banks and all the credit/debit cards and payment apps, so there is no need for a govt. controlled CBDC. The problem is, what I have argued before. While the intro of a CBDC will make no mention of getting rid of physical currency, that will definitely happen soon after, if a CBDC gets adopted. There is no other reason to have one. The control aspect, and as a result, total loss of economic freedom which equates to total loss of political and social freedom, as well, can only take place if physical currency is abolished.  Another example of what the government might use it for just came to mind this morning. One of the progressives biggest unfulfilled objectives is to get around the Second Amendment and limit or eliminate citizens owning guns. While it will be hard for them to take away those guns already in public hands, a CBDC would allow the government to disallow transactions to purchase a gun and or ammunition. Again, the control aspect only works if cash is eliminated, at some point in the future. The only way people could then get a gun would be in the black market and you would need to have something the seller would want in exchange. (gold) Biden has already signed the executive order for the studying and phasing in of a CBDC. I don’t know how we stop it. If there needs to be legislation to actually implement one I am not sure but would have to believe legislation would need to be passed to eliminate the currency unless it is done in a backdoor way, the way so much of our past freedoms and rights have been taken away. They could structure it in a way where they don’t come out and say we are eliminating physical currency but say something like we are transitioning the money supply over time from physical currency to electronic digital currency. The typical weasel way that the government takes away your freedom. They wouldn’t actually be telling you they are getting rid of the paper but they will be transitioning over to digital currency over say, 1-2 years. Total government control and the END of the US of America.