lead snip:
Credit Suisse repo guru Zoltan Poszar published what may have been the most insightful snippet of the entire European energy crisis (to date) when he extended the infamous “Minsky Moment” framework to Europe, and specifically Germany, which he said “can’t cover its payments without Russian gas and the government is asking citizens to conserve energy to leave more for industry.” He then elaborated that “Minsky moments are triggered by excessive financial leverage, and in the context of supply chains, leverage means excessive operating leverage: in Germany, $2 trillion of value added depends on $20 billion of gas from Russia… …that’s 100-times leverage – much more than Lehman’s.”

then, Ras from another board
The Options Thugulators are gearing up for an imminent derivatives implosion

“I gotta hand it to the Options Clearing Corporation (which is in charge of overseeing the derivatives casinos).

For, unlike “Great Disintegration I”, when they were caught completely off guard, this time around they are making moves to mitigate the upcoming derivatives meltdown.

You can see proof of this “girding of their loins” expressed in these two documents, which were released late on Friday, before the Labor Day weekend, to lessen their being noticed:

follow from Dive
Similar to how the mortgage crisis in the U.S. manifested itself in Japanese markets in 2007 prior to the western collapse in 2008 … The current liquidity crisis appears to be manifesting in Europe first.

back to ZH
“Sadly – but not entirely unexpectedly, Haugane says that EU plans to intervene would be “sensible” for derivatives trading. In other words, we are back to the ‘too big to fail’ arguments from 2008 when fears of the apocalypse (this time in real energy markets ahead of winter)”