J C Again
Here’s the very last report on covid outcomes by vaccine status from the Canadian province of Manitoba, from May:
See how it doesn’t look too good if you take the deaths category, add Fully Vaccinated to Booster deaths, then compare that to Unvaccinated deaths? And keep in mind that they’re probably pumping up the unvaccinated numbers by including single-shotters and folks not past 30 days after the second dose.
Corporate media, of course, completely ignored the the data’s ramifications or even suggestions, but Alex Berenson wrote a short stack about it. Then, immediately after publishing the May report, Manitoba Public Health decided, for some reason yet to be explained, to STOP REPORTING the data. They must have got a lot of questions about that, because the latest report for August includes this brief disclaimer:¹
Monthly updates about severe outcomes after vaccination have been discontinued starting Week 31 [July 31-Aug. 6]. Manitoba Health will continue to monitor COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and report periodically when data allow.
Nah nah nah nah I can’t hear the data I can’t hear you nah nah nah.
See, if they don’t report the data, there’s no actual problem, because the problem isn’t about who’s dying, the problem is about whether it makes politicians look bad. In a sane world, the corporate media would be screaming bloody murder about a cover-up. But now we live in Clown World, where corporate media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of government.
And it’s not just Manitoba. Ontario stopped reporting outcomes by vaccination status around the same time. So did Scotland, back in February. So did Britain, in April.
Thanks experts!
By stopping the reporting of vaxxed outcomes it looks like they know the vaxx is toxic and they are deliberately attempting to hide the information because they also know it will turn people off further shots. It’s clearly guilty behaviour. The same as how the government of Ontario stopped releasing data on abortion numbers by gender because it showed abortion was being used increasingly to keep boys and get rid of girls. In a democracy, a government’s secrets are a government’s crimes.