Last week, the UK government quietly revised its vaccine guidance and pivoted with respect to pregnant and breastfeeding women, I mean people. The new guidance explicitly wants against shots:
…it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time … healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated.
I’m old enough to remember back when you got kicked off Facebook for warning pregnant women not to take the jab. Here’s the link.
Now you just get kicked off Facebook for calling pregnant people “women” when you advise against the shots.
Now, I realize a lot of chronic complainers are going to ask, “what about the pregnant and breastfeeding women who took the shots based on the OLD guidance?” Do they get an apology? Or at least a lollipop or something? But look, NOBODY EVER SAID the shots were safe and effective during pregnancy. Okay, maybe they DID say that. But they’ve pivoted. There’s new data or something. So it’s all good.
And … shut up! Science!
Being in the UK, I took notice of the tweeted info that gave this info. I did a bit of research and as far as I can see the guidance has not changed (yet anyway). The tweet refers to a detailed report on the government site about the Pfizer shot. Section 3.4 on Toxicity is where that tweet got their info.