International Military Tribunals to be Held in Mariupol, Ukraine

Fully’s Comment

Do you think all the moron libtards running around with Ukraine Flags on their car antenae and Ukraine Flag Icons on their twit profiles will realize they are supporting NAZIs ?

Reuters ran a story Wednesday headlined, “UN Rights Office ‘Very Concerned’ About Planned Trials of Ukrainian POWs.”

The Russians plan to start holding ‘international’ war crimes tribunals against captured Ukrainian soldiers. On August 2nd, Russia’s supreme court ruled that the Ukrainian Nazi-affiliated ‘Azov Battalion’ was a terrorist organization, clearing the way for captured fighters to be charged as terrorists.

The Russian embassy in the U.S. published a statement about the trials, which included this interesting nugget:

The International Tribunal in Mariupol can shed light on the true essence of the Kiev regime, of which the United States diligently creates a bright and heroic image. American citizens will finally learn that in reality, their government is helping those who purposefully kill and torture the Russian people of Donbass and Ukraine.
It kind of sounds like one of the Russians’ objectives for holding the trials is to get information to the American people that is otherwise unavailable from Western corporate media. It’s a shame we’ve gotten to the point where many folks trust the Russian embassy more than CNN.

For his part, Ukrainian president Zelensky, or Zelenskyy, or whatever his name is, was outraged — outraged! — about the tribunals, vowing to shut down all peace talks if they go forward: “If this despicable show trial takes place, this will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible…Russia will cut itself off from any negotiations.”

They have an expression for that kind of talk. It’s called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department reacted to reports of possible “tribunals,” calling the trials — which haven’t happened yet — a “mockery of justice.” At least we aren’t pre-judging things! The U.S. then urged Moscow to abide by international human rights laws, like by not setting up secret bioweapons labs in corrupt and unstable countries with weak or no oversight.

Russia should follow OUR example

Jeff Childers