And just like clockwork, here it is. Politico ran a story yesterday headlined, “Trump White House Exerted Pressure On FDA For Covid-19 Emergency Use Authorizations, House Report Finds.”

Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis released a scathing report yesterday that, among other things, blames rushed vaccines on President Trump, or at least started building the foundation of blame. Here is what the Politico article said, just about the vaccine issue:

The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration… to authorize… the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline[.] The Democrats’ investigation also documents… the White House attempts to block the FDA from collecting additional safety data on Covid-19 vaccines[.] The Trump administration also tried to pressure the FDA to authorize the first Covid-19 vaccines ahead of the presidential election.
Now, it doesn’t make any sense to blame Trump for rushing the vaccines if the jabs work great, since he’s the hero in that scenario. It only makes sense to set this hit piece up if the jabs are trash. Trump has once again put Democrats in a box. He’s continuing to take the credit for the one thing the Democrats are most boastful about. Sure, we can argue about Trump’s strategy, his original role, whether he was fooled or not, and whether he should, as Alex Jones advises, disavow the jabs.

But let’s just look at the timing, which is much more interesting than that well-worn argument. This tentatively anti-vaccine report was released at the same time as Fauci’s resignation, the CDC reorganization and mea culpa, the White House’s signal of an end to free shots, and HHS’s elevation of a new agency to take over pandemics.

It’s more evidence that a major pivot away from shots is stealthily underway. But why?

? Rand Paul is unimpressed with the CDC’s big giant reorganization.

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Scott Morefield
Great clip from @RandPaul explaining the CDC’s multiple failures, from masking to mandates to denying natural immunity: “No amount of overhaul at the CDC will work if they’re not honest about the scientific data.”