Time To Eliminate Public Education
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
Maximilien Robespierre It is well past time to eliminate public education. It is a failed, total waste of money that does more harm than good. The first state that does so, by offering each student a voucher to attend the private school of his or her choice(parents decide) will increase the quality of education in their state. Instead of being a welfare program for unionized, often incompetent teachers and administrators, let the private sector compete for students. The quality will increase and the costs will decrease. No unionized government employees with over the top benefits and pensions. Texas and Florida, how about it? I am sure their governors and officials can set up a plan to phase out the current system and phase in a private school, voucher system.
Important goal, and removing the ability of those in the PUBLIC SECTOR to NEGOTIATE with teachers (also public sector employees) would be a good start. No checks on that as it stands. Need better performance incentives (how to measure?), remove federal and state bureaucracy, and offer choice … other than by moving. Which is largely how parents do it now if they can. Pricey homes buy you better schools.
But the other problem is getting kids to and from schools at scale. Work schedules for parents make that a challenge if both work. Part of what makes public schools appealing is they handle the busing, and more competition raises the cost of that since you need multiple busing networks and student road miles necessarily rises substantially with each new competing school. Can students learn as much or more without spending as much time ‘in school’ as they get now? Homeschooling is probably OK for the youngest ones, but competition and interaction/feedback is needed after that.
Bring back the One Room Schoolhouse
30 or so like minded parents hire a teacher and work with him / her to set the curriculum
Rent a building or build an addition to a Home and voila…Parents have control of their kids education
Ha…its in the post I linked below…Hey they stole my idea
In his January State of the State address, Ducey called on Arizona lawmakers to send him bills that would “expand school choice any way we can,” and the Republican-dominated legislature obliged, delivering last Friday’s bill, which will open a preexisting program for Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) up to the entire state. In practice, the law will now give parents who opt out of public schools a debit card for roughly $7,000 per child that can be used to pay for private school tuition, but also for much more: for religious schools, homeschool expenses, tutoring, online classes, education supplies and fees associated with “microschools,” in which small groups of parents pool resources to hire teacher
First thing I’ve seen of this. And first thing Ducey seems to have done right.
“One Room Schoolhouse” … I don’t see that working today, although it could be a starting point. There’s a lot more variance among grade schoolers K-6 than there used to be, behaviorally. By 6th grade, not many teachers can cover the landscape including math and science and history. You start to need specialists.
Churches aren’t used much during the week …. and they are centrally located. They would be a logical option, but not usually well suited for outside break time. And kids need that too.
Great first step. It would be a long tough fight but over time you really need to dismantle the public school infrastructure with all the levels of administrators. It is just a politcal system of overpaid parasites. In NJ you have lots of densely populated towns that each have their own school board with an over paid Superintendent and staff. Same thing exists with mayors, police, fire etc. They are the reason property taxes are so high, particularly in Northern NJ.