SIMILAR TO EUROPEAN RULE CHANGES NOW UNDERWAY TO SHUT DOWN SMALL FARMERS, CONFISCATE THEIR LAND AND ENABLE THE WEF TO BUILD A GREEN UTOPA CALLED “TRISTATECITY” THAT IS INTENDED TO BECOME THE CAPITAL OF THE NEW GLOBOHOMOGINIZED ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.         A mixture of English and Dutch posts — with layouts, pictures, marketing materials etc. This is NOT about climate — the WEF needs the land to fulfill it’s vision and is to get the land they need the farmers gone………..

Trudeau government targets grain growers as worst emissions offenders.

A Trudeau government report is putting farmers next on the carbon emissions chopping block, using UN data that accuses Canadian grain growers of producing crops with the highest “emissions intensity” in the world.

A new “discussion document” released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada titled “Reducing emissions arising from the application of fertilizer in Canada’s agriculture sector” singles out wheat, barley and other cereal producers for emission reductions.

The report outlines a framework to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 2020 climate plan target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector by 30% below 2020 levels within ten years.

As reported by True North, at a time when fertilizer prices are through the roof, consumers are increasingly shouldering the burden in the form of higher costs at the grocery store. Additional concerns include a trucker shortage that could triple by next year according to the National Cattle Feeders’ Association and the ongoing economic repercussions of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.