From John Manley
Dear Reader,
I was paying Amazon to advertise my novel, Much Ado About Corona, to people who’ve purchased similar books. I pay Amazon if they click on my ad. And Amazon also gets a cut in each book sold. Pretty good deal for Amazon, you’d think.
Well, turns out they think differently. Amazon sent me an email letting me know I could no longer advertise Much Ado About Corona with them:
Your ad contains content or product(s) temporarily restricted from advertising due to current events. This may include products related to a recent natural disaster, mass casualty event, or similar national or international incident. The length of this restriction will vary based on the severity of the event. Your campaigns can be reactivated when these restrictions are lifted.
They are still selling Much Ado About Corona, just not letting me advertise it. Covert censorship. Fine by me, I’d rather send my advertising budget to alternative media.
—John C. A. Manley
PS What Amazon doesn’t want is Much Ado About Corona rising to their bestseller charts like other (non-fiction) COVID truth books have done. Of course, if you’d like to foil their Orwellian plans, please buy copies for yourself and as gifts for family, friends and leaders in your community.
PPS Now, if you really hate Amazon (I understand completely) it’s available from other major retailers
and can be ordered through your local bookstore
Fully’s Comment ..This is a terrific Novel and it’s OUR Story …Highly recommended for a Summer read
Thanks for reprinting this. It’s funny, too, what was “mass casualty event,” about? The vaccine program?