Confirmation – The Inflation In Food & Energy Is On Purpose
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to see that governments across the globe are purposely driving up the cost of food and energy with their policies and lack of effective plans. They want it and have done everything possible to exacerbate it. Why, for one of the exact same reasons as Covid, to gain control over most peoples lives by making them dependent on the government. Ie, pushing for UBI and CBDC’s so they will eventually have total control.
They will fail
That is fucking madness ??
We’re looking straight on into a global food shortage & Trudeau’s govt is punishing its farmers with a tariff on #fertilizer.
The Turd follows the WEF game plan to the letter. He’s just following orders.
It will all come to a head if the Northern Fall harvest fails to meet the demand. Food riots. Can’t eat UBI if there is no food.
One would think that the failure and consequences of the shots would be enough. But no.
Energy shortages affect multiple layers of society. From manufacturing, petrochemicals and heating. Let the masses serve while they freeze in the dark come Winter.
Followers of The Great Reset are displaying their callous disregard for humanity.