In a long reply to the post titled, ‘ON NUCLEAR FEAR PORN AND FAMINE’ (, one thing I mentioned is the push towards transhumanism.  I believe it’s worth our paying attention to this.

There are many ways transhumanism is already being implemented, including through GMO and injections, with many more methods planned.  Just look at the post made yesterday by KenS about ‘self-spreading vaccines’ to see one Frankenstein-like global freak show possibility (

Some of you might have read Yuval Noah Harari’s books.  After reading ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’, I recommended it to many friends, with the view that “Harari is a big brain worth paying attention to.”  After reading ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’, I did not recommend it to friends.  ’21 Lessons for the 21st Century’ I started, but was not into it at all, so never read past the first chapter or so.

My reason for mentioning this is because I still believe, “Harari is a big brain worth paying attention to”, but not in the way I originally meant it.  In my opinion, the guy is demented in the style of Bill Gates.  Like Gates, Harari represents a high hazard to humanity.  He is equal to the worst of the mad scientists, including those who are developing self-spreading vaccines, weaponized vaccines or any other technology that goes in that direction.

Here is a short clip of Harari on transhumanism:

WEF’s page on Harari:

George Gammon recently made this excellent video about Harari:


There is definitely plenty of ‘fear porn’, just like there are plenty of conspiracy theories.  Funny that the CIA supposedly coined the term, ‘conspiracy theory’ and even funnier how many of the theories have come true.  Makes me wonder who is now pushing the term, ‘fear porn’.  Might it be the CIA?  Nah, that sounds too much like a crazy conspiracy theory!