Where will Trudeau and Biden get Their Supply from ?

“Russia Bans Exports of Fertilizer “

China has already warned that the West better knock off the Bullshit The Ukraine Crisis is all about the refusal to allow the people to vote on their separation. This is going to be a rising issue in many countries going forward and even in the USA no less separatist movements in Canada and throughout Europe. This stupidity of imposing sanctions when Biden slapped Putin in the face denying all requests and not pushing Ukraine to allow simply to let the Minsk Agreement unfold dropping the nonsense that Russia must withdraw all aid before a vote, just invites this entire crisis. I cannot imagine that these world leaders are that stupid and thus I can only conclude this is intentional. There is no diplomatic solution when you reject everything the other side requests.

Putin has already banned the export of ammonium nitrate (AN) from Feb. 2 to April 1, which is the first shot across the heads of world leaders. Putin is guaranteeing affordable supplies for domestic farmers following the spike in global fertilizer prices and a crisis created by COVID that materialized in a drastic shortage. This seems to be playing into both our famine models as well as the rise in commodity inflation into 2024.

For those who are unaware, Ammonia gas is a key material enabling AN production. Prices have soared more than fivefold since October 2020 thanks to COVID. Add to this, we have rising costs for natural gas, which is also a key input required in AN production. The Climate Change morons have no idea how energy is intertwined into every aspect of our daily lives. The rise in natural gas has thus contributed to the rise in AN prices. Those higher prices have forced farmers to reconsider their nitrogen fertilizer usage, favoring legumes such as soybeans, which require less nitrogen fertilizer than corn and wheat. Ammonium nitrate is therefore a critical component along with natural gas in creating nitrogen fertilizer, with the other main source of nitrogen is derived from urea.