Ford, O’Toole, Jagmeet, Trudeau are all mouthing the exact same words. There is no true opposition anymore in Canada, no debate, no democracy, only censorship, and lying. It is a totalitarian state and these politicians are running it. As someone has said, this has been a Covid Coup, changing a once freedom-loving country into a fascist gulag.

We must support the truckers and all the people who spoke at the outdoor gathering in Ottawa or we will slip deeper into a government-controlled hell that will be more stifling than communist China, than the USSR, or Hitler’s Reich.

These politicians, like Ford, O’Toole, Jagmeet, and Trudeau have sanctioned murder by preventing life-saving drugs from being distributed. They are criminals and should be arrested and put on trial. I hope enough of our police force, the military, and the judiciary wake up to the truth and have the courage to make this a reality.