First, watch this segment from The War Room.

I took Dan’s advice and checked my voter registration card to find out what precinct I’m in.  It then took me 30 seconds to go on-line and find out who my county chairman is and her email.  I contacted her and told her I was interested in becoming a Precinct Committeeman.  She seemed receptive. At least she didn’t call herself the chairperson. She told me when the next County Republican Committee meeting was.  I’m going.

Anyway, I’ve been moping around since The Steal.  This is really going to help my bad attitude. DON’T fall for calls for a 3rd party.  The only people who want that kind of a split more than the Never Trumpers are the vile Dems.  What we need to do is continue the reformation of the Republican party into the populist/economic nationalist blue collar workers party that Trump started.  Know what I mean?