Soros was asked about his life during Nazi Germany and he described it as the best days of his life.

The Left calls Trump a fascist.

We call the Nazis fascists.

But what did the Nazis call themselves? Socialists.

NAZI – National Socialist Party.

Antifa was ‘anti-fascist’ but they worked with the fascists who were also socialist. Antifa were communists and when agendas aligned they helped the Nazis.

Today, we have the Democratic Socialist Party. Today we have Antifa. Today, is Soros trying to recreate Nazi Germany?

In what economic environment did Hitler come to power? Post-hyper inflation, in a ruined economy with demoralized, helpless people. What is Covid being used for? Who is Soros funding, what is he building?

Do you see the BIG PLAN?

A new Nazi World Order. This is the NWO.