This video needs to get out there far and wide. There’s nothing more important than this particular video presentation; hence, it’s now crucial for everyone to share it widely.

What, pray tell, is more important than disseminating the most vital information and data concerning THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC?

People, please, send out this video everywhere and anywhere, wherever and however you can… … …starting right now.

If we all do this — RIGHT NOW — it’s all but guaranteed that a tsunami of Covid truth will wash over planet Earth just as quickly as the CORONAhoax tidal wave submerged the entire planetary civilization in 2020.

There’s no reason whatsoever why 2021 cannot see the great awakening regarding the Plandemic. Once a critical mass of people have awakened to this ridiculous HOAX of the Millennium, the final termination of OPERATION COVID-19 is at hand.

State of the Nation
October 18, 2020