BTW, I still post TA on this site from time to time and I also can’t wait for the US Election to be over so that GoldTent it can hopefully return to its TA roots… With 330 million American’s, I find it very sad that these two clowns are the best we have to offer… I have children who I have raised to show respect for others, along with the other seven virtues including; charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.

I am a lifelong Republican who has gone sour on Trump as I find him to be a very poor role model for the young people of this nation (see Dante’s 7 deadly sins). The attached Fox News link shows that there are very likely a number of Republican Senators & Congressmen who don’t buy into all the bombast, conspiracy theories, etc.

Let’s see how long this post stays up…

Our country has been fractured by divisiveness on both sides of the isle and I long for the days of civility in our speech and in our actions.